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Education Programmes

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 HWDT’s education programme brings marine science to life, championing our vitally important Hebridean seas and encouraging outdoor and hands-on learning.

Hebridean Marine Explorers

We offer a varied education programme for primary schools and lower secondary, including in person school visits, field trips, floating classroom and live digital learning.



A series of four double lessons based around HWDT’s whale and dolphin research yacht, Silurian. Lessons are provided as google slides presentations with videos, interactive activities and worksheets. These sessions can be combined with a live teaching session from our Education team. (Online, P5-P7) Curriculum for Excellence Links

Lesson 1: Silurian the whale research yacht
Pupils learn about the whale research happening in the waters local to them. Silurian is a real life case study of scientific investigation and discovery.

Lesson 2: Whales and dolphins
Pupils discover how biodiverse Scotland’s seas are and learn how to recognise the most common species of whales and dolphins seen around our coastline.

Lesson 3: SIGHTING! Using math and science to record whales
Pupils learn about the scientific equipment used on board. We discuss what a fair test is and why this is important, before gaining confidence using angles and degrees to report sightings.

Lesson 4: Dolphin communication and underwater noise
Pupils will listen to the sounds different species make and learn more about their function. We will explore underwater noise as a form of pollution, before finishing on the differences we can each make to help the planet.


Why not combine our Digital Floating Classroom with one of our live teaching sessions?

We offer a ‘Digital Schools’ week once a term, including during British Science Week. Check session availability in the link below or alternatively get in touch to arrange a session to suit you. Also available to home educators.

Working with Whales
Perfectly designed to compliment our Digital Floating Classroom, the Working with Whales live Q&A provides pupils the opportunity to discover what life is like living and working on board our research vessel Silurian. (30 mins, online, P5-P7)

Dolphin Defenders
This live talk and Q&A session introduces what we can learn from sightings sent in through our community sightings network, Whale Track. Learn how this information can teach us more about the challenges the marine environment is facing and how we can take action to help protect it. The session includes video and sound clips, looking at bones and taking part in a quiz. (30 mins, online, P5-7)

Whales, dolphins and sharks
This live talk and Q&A session introduces pupils to three different species seen throughout the west coast of Scotland. The session includes video and sound clips, looking at bones and taking part in a quiz. (30 mins, online, P1-P4) Curriculum for Excellence Links



The in-person programme is offered, roadshow style, with our education team traveling to areas of the West Coast and the Hebrides, visiting schools throughout the week. The team will contact schools directly to book in sessions when they are visiting your area. Alternatively, if you would like to organise a bespoke visit please get in touch at

Roadshows generally take place during May and September and can include the following sessions:


Whales in our Waters
Discover more about the majestic mammals found in our oceans. Explore their anatomy with real bones, teeth, baleen and skulls, discover some of the Hebridean habitats they call home and dive into some food chain forensics.
(up to 1.5hr - dependent on phase, classroom based, P1-P7) Curriculum for Excellence Links

Whale or Dolphin Detectives
Using your detective skills, help us to track and map some familiar whales or dolphins from photographs and sighting reports. We will also discuss how this information helps scientists in a local and global context.
(up to 1.5hr - dependent on phase, classroom based, P1-P7) Curriculum for Excellence Links

Scanning our Seas
After an introductory classroom session, you will join us at your local headland to learn how to spot and record marine life, helping HWDT to learn more about these amazing animals.
(2hr, nearby headland, P5-P7. This session can be adapted for a whole day visit for S1 pupils.) Curriculum for Excellence Links

Floating Classroom
Twice a year, we set sail for coastal schools to provide them the opportunity to jump aboard our floating classroom for a glimpse into the life of a marine scientist and explore our unique whale and dolphin research vessel Silurian.
(1.5hr, on-board Silurian, P1-S1) Curriculum for Excellence Links


If you would like the team to visit your school, please get in touch


Kick Starting Marine Conservation Careers

Our programme to “kick start careers in marine conservation” delivers bespoke workshops for High Schools, University groups and teenagers aged 16-17 years old. Find out what life is really like for a marine scientist, learn how to survey for marine mammals and gain basic sailing experience.


We work with local high schools and university groups to provide hands on opportunities to discover what life is like as a marine scientist on board our research vessel Silurian and learn more about the work of the Trust. If you are interested in finding out more about these rare opportunities, please get in touch at

Careers Week
Interested in learning more about a career in marine science and education? We offer Highschool and University groups, live and pre-recorded talks and Q&A sessions about life as a marine scientist onboard our research vessel Silurian. Contact for more information.



A week-long dedicated survey onboard our research vessel Silurian, providing a rare opportunity for under 18’s to gain residential, offshore work experience in the marine conservation industry. Specifically for 16 and 17 year olds.

Duke of Edinburgh Residential (Gold)
Our research expeditions offer a great opportunity if you are looking to complete your Gold Residential for DofE. To learn more about how our surveys meet the requirements, please download the document below.

Supporting Sustainable Marine Tourism

We are dedicated to championing responsible marine wildlife watching in Scotland. Our team provide training and accreditation for skippers and are active in the development of sustainable whale watching tourism, as the creators of the Hebridean Whale Trail.

Supporting Responsible Whale Watching

Whale watching is a growing industry in the Hebrides that supports many local jobs. Working in partnership with local whale-watch businesses, and the WiSe scheme, HWDT trains responsible wildlife watching practices to minimise unintentional disturbance to protected UK wildlife. By encouraging safe and sustainable wildlife watching we can protect our marine species for generations to come.

Download the Scottish Marine Wildlife Watching Code

Choose a WiSe accredited operator.


THE Hebridean Whale Trail

Made up of over 30 unique sites across Scotland’s spectacular west coast. The Hebridean Whale Trail celebrates breath-taking places along our shores that look out across seas where whales, dolphins and wondrous creatures roam. From dramatic headlands, to white, sandy beaches and bustling harbours, the Whale Trail is awash with special places where nature and heritage are interwoven.
Explore the trail by following the link below… where will you be when your one in a million moment happens?