Young Carers get a Trip of a Lifetime
Young Carers on board Silurian with bow riding common dolphins
Young carers have enjoyed an ‘amazing’ residential, sailing amongst a hundred common dolphins thanks to grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, The Robertson Trust and Postcode Local Trust.
On Friday 20th October, five young carers boarded the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust’s 16m research yacht, Silurian, setting sail from the Trust’s base in Tobermory.
Crossroads Young Carers Cowal and Bute supports young people aged five to 24 years, offering a multitude of services for children and young people who have caring roles for family members. These services include 1:1 sessions, group sessions, activities and residential opportunities.
“We were delighted to have the opportunity to sail on board Silurian. It was fantastic to see the dolphins playing around the boat and to see the group working together in a new exciting environment.”
Young carers sailing the Hebridean seas in search of whales and dolphins
HWDT aims to help tackle social exclusion, offering the young carers and their leader a chance to join the team on board, free of charge.
“This weekend provided the young people with an opportunity to have fun, share new experiences, and develop confidence. What’s more, it was also important to provide the young carers with a break from their caring responsibilities.”
Lots of happy faces on board, especially after seeing the dolphins
All of the young people had a brilliant time and said they would definitely recommend the trip to others.
“It was one of the best weekends I have ever had, an amazing and unforgettable experience. I loved it!”
If you are interested in sailing on board Silurian, surveying for Hebridean whales and dolphins, check out our 2018 survey dates here.