HWDT Welcomes New Gaelic Development Intern
Last week, HWDT were delighted to welcome our first ever Gaelic Development Intern, thanks to a grant from Bòrd na Gàidhlig through the Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd funding programme. Kenny Rankin is a Gaelic speaker from Lochalsh on the West Coast, and over the next few months he will be working with our Community Engagement Manager, Pippa Garrard, and local Gaelic Advisor, Carol Maclean, to develop the Trust’s Hebridean Marine Explorers education programme for Gaelic-medium classes, as well as incorporating Gaelic into the Trust’s wider activities.
“Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan tighinn air bòrd agus a bhith a’ cur ri obair an Urrais. S e rud anabarrach math a th’ ann gum faigh Gàidheil òga cothrom ionnsachadh mu rannsachadh-saidheansail agus bith-iomadachd nan Eilean anns a’ chànan aca fhèin. ’S e mo dhùrachd gun cuir am pròiseact seo ri an cuid misneachd a’ Ghàidhlig a chur gu feum ann an caochladh shuidheachaidhean.”
“I’m really excited to come on board and contribute to the Trust’s work. It’s fantastic that young Gaels are going to get the chance to learn about scientific investigation and the Hebrides’ biodiversity in Gaelic. It is my hope that the project will give them greater confidence to use the language in different situations.”
Kenny’s background is in music and Gaelic culture. He graduated from BA(Hons) Applied Music with the University of the Highlands and Islands in 2016 before completing a year’s study at the Scotland’s Gaelic college, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. No stranger to the Hebrides; Kenny lived in South Uist and Skye during his studies, and is currently based in Tiree - just across the water from our base on Mull!
Over the summer, Kenny will be translating and adapting the Trust’s existing resources to Gaelic, before hitting the road the road in August and September to deliver classroom sessions, headland watches and floating classrooms on board Silurian to schools across the Hebrides.
“Leis an fhìrinn innse, ’s e glè bheag a dh’fhios a th’ agams’ air eòlas-mara aig an ìre-sa! Thogadh taobh na mara mi ge tà, agus tha spèis mhòr mhòr agam dhar n-àrainneachd agus dhar dualchas nàdarra air taobh siar na h-Alba. Tha mi a’ dèanamh fiughair rin rannsachadh agus ris na ionnsaicheas mi a lìbhreagadh anns a’ Ghàidhlig do sgoilearan Innse Gall as t-Fhoghar.”
“If I’m honest, I don’t have very much experience in marine science at this stage! I grew up by the sea however, and am passionate about our rich environment and natural heritage on the West Coast. I am looking forward to a great deal of learning and research and then being able to pass that new knowledge on in Gaelic in the Autumn.”
Welcome to the team, Kenny. We can’t wait to get started!
The Trust's education programme, Hebridean Marine Explorers, is possible due to the support of players of People's Postcode Lottery, through Postcode Local Trust, in addition to funding from the Robertson Trust.