Struan Primary School Raise Over £300 for HWDT
Pupils from Struan Primary Ocean School on the Isle of Skye have raised an amazing £311.14 to contribute towards marine conservation.
“The team here at the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust are absolutely thrilled to have been picked as the chosen charity. We are so impressed with the children’s fantastic project and are delighted to be able to use this money to help protect whales, dolphins and porpoises in the waters around Skye and the west coast of Scotland, thank you Struan Ocean School!”
To raise the money, this resourceful group had a lot of fun learning how to extract salt from the sea to make Ocean School salt and salted butter (see their photos below). As part of their project on seaweed, they also experimented by making seaweed butter, as well as a seaweed fertiliser which was apparently rather smelly!
Katie receiving a bottle of the stinky seaweed fertiliser from Struan Ocean School pupils.
The local community were invited to an open afternoon, where the group successfully sold their new Ocean School products, raising an amazing £311.14.
Last Friday, we asked local volunteer, Katie Tunn, to visit the school on our behalf to work with the children and receive the cheque.
Ms Jones, the group’s Teacher described the session as a “fantastic morning”.
The session began with an online talk from Pippa, about the conservation work the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust does, followed by activities with Katie, including measuring and drawing out the size of whales and dolphins in the playground and taking part in a ‘porpoise rescue’.
The children also delivered their Ocean School presentations, explaining to Katie about all the amazing things they have been up to and presented her with their last bottle of Ocean School Fertiliser.
Katie said:
“I was honoured to be invited by HWDT to accept a cheque on their behalf for a donation raised by the amazing Struan Ocean School. This small school in the West of Skye is having a huge impact on their local marine environment, learning about how to protect it and teaching the rest of the community to do so too. It’s heartening to see how passionate the children are about protecting the marine environment they love so much. The future of our seas looks a lot brighter with these kids and it was a real joy to spend time with them and share our ocean knowledge.”
We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the children and Ms Jones at Struan Ocean School for their fantastic contribution towards conserving whales, dolphins and porpoises in Scottish waters. We look forward to keeping in touch and hearing about your future Ocean School projects.
Thank you also to Katie, for visiting on our behalf and running such a brilliant session.
HWDT’s Education Programme is possible thanks to an award from People’s Postcode Trust, a grant giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.