Creel fishermen, rescue teams and researchers team up to tackle entanglement
Last week, the Scottish Entanglement Alliance (SEA) hosted the first entanglement response workshop of its kind in Europe.
Funded by the University Innovation Fund through Scotland’s Rural College, 20 creel fishermen and women from the Clyde up to Shetland travelled to Ullapool to work alongside project partners with the aim of encouraging better reporting of entanglements, widen Scotland’s existing entanglement response network, and share insights to better understand, mitigate and respond to incidents.
The two-day workshop, involved classroom based theory, as well as a day on the water practicing safe response techniques and gaining familiarity using specially designed tools.
Read the full article, including quotes from the trainers and participants at:
The Scottish Entanglement Alliance Project Partners:
Fishermen and BDMLR disentanglement team members practicing a technique to safely attach to and approach an entangled whale in order to disentangle it.
Image credit: Scottish Entanglement Alliance (SEA) 2019.