HWDT Welcomes New Photo-ID Volunteer

This winter we have a new face here in the team! Michael will be with us for six months over the winter working alongside our science team, helping to go through the photographs that have been captured this season, identifying individual animals and updating our photo-identification databases and catalogues.

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Morven Summers
HWDT's Big Give Christmas Challenge 2018

Our Hebridean Marine Explorers programme brings marine science to life, championing our vitally important Hebridean seas and encouraging outdoor and hands-on learning. The programme comprises school visits, field trips and floating classroom sessions and all donations made through the Big Give Christmas Challenge will contribute to this project in 2019.

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Gemma Paterson
Inspiring Ullapool’s Future Scientists and Sailors

As part of the Coigach and Assynt Living Landscape Partnership Scheme’s Marine Project, five local teens joined HWDT on board Silurian to see what living at sea and researching whales and dolphins is all about. Find out from their perspective how they got on…

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Survey Summary: Teen Research Expedition 3

The last survey of 2018 - our third and final Teen Research Expedition, covering waters around Wester Ross and up to Lochinver. This trip really proves that volunteering on board Silurian, is about much more than spotting a few dolphins!

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Survey Summary: HWDT 12

During the survey we encountered four different species of marine mammals, including a sighting of 25 pilot whales! This was truly a special encounter for everyone on board and even though we have had reports of pilot whales this was the first ever time they have been encountered from Silurian in its 16 years of surveying!

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Guest User
Survey Summary: HWDT 11

Despite some challenging conditions, we covered an impressive 290 nautical miles, encountering seven species of marine mammals. Harbour porpoise were the most commonly sighted species with 25 encounters of 47 individuals. Common dolphins came in second, with over 70 individuals seen!

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Guest User
Scotland's Seas: Drowning in Plastic?

Here on the West Coast of Scotland, we're also seeing first-hand the devastating effects of our marine life. In 2015, our crew had a distressing encounter with a minke whale where it’s rostrum was caught in a plastic packing strap. Read more below about what we have done to help tackle the plastic problem, and how you can get involved with our work.

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Threat to UK Killer Whales Prompts Call for Urgent Government Action

New research published today in the journal Science, led by Aarhus University in Denmark, predicts more than half of the world’s killer whale (orca) populations face collapse due to the effects of invisible toxic pollutants called PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls).

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