Posts tagged Whale Track
Celebrating industry contributions to marine science

We welcomed a number of wildlife tour providers and boat operators to our first ever Whale Track Boat Operator Event, sharing good practice and celebrating the contributions these companies make to marine science.

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A milestone for citizen science as over 10,000 sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises are reported to marine conservation charity

2023 was a record-breaking year for marine conservation charity the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) and their Whale Track community of citizen scientists.  For the first time in the Trusts 30-year history, over 10,000 sightings of whales, dolphins, porpoises and basking sharks were reported by members of the public in one year.

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Minke whales visiting Scotland’s west coast set European record

Scotland’s west coast seas are a vitally important area for minke whales – with some of these spectacular but vulnerable marine mammals notching up Europe’s longest sighting histories of almost 30 years, research by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust shows.

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Guess who's back...Knobble the minke whale!

Knobble - the famous minke whale - returns to the Hebrides, highlighting how important the region is for these animals, who migrate each year to feed in the rich waters off Scotland’s west coast

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National Whale and Dolphin Watch 2023

National Whale and Dolphin Watch is an exciting annual marine mammal monitoring event, run by the Seawatch Foundation, that aims to get as many people as possible looking out to sea all around the UK, providing a snapshot of what is being seen in UK waters. Find out more about the event and how to get involved.

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Dolphin Detective Work Identifies Individual

A lone bottlenose dolphin was reported off the coast of Appin, sparking investigation into who the individual may be. Thanks to the efforts of all involved, the dolphin was identified, deepening the understanding of this individual’s life story and shedding light on the movements of bottlenose dolphins around our coasts.

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Autumn antics from some of our favourite species

Thanks to everyone still watching for whales and dolphins over autumn and winter and reporting what they’ve spotted - it’s fantastic to see the awesome encounters coming through Whale Track. From our favourite killer whale celebrities, John Coe and Aquarius, to the 100th humpback whale being added to the Scottish Humpback Whale ID Catalogue, it’s been an exciting couple of months for marine life in Scottish seas

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National Whale and Dolphin Watch 2022

National Whale and Dolphin Watch is an exciting annual marine mammal monitoring event, run by the Seawatch Foundation, that aims to get as many people as possible looking out to sea all around the UK, providing a snapshot of what is being seen in UK waters. Find out more about the event and how to get involved.

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John Coe and Aquarius do the Rounds

Catching sight of killer whales in the wild is an experience people will never forget; to see a massive black dorsal fin break the surface is truly awe inspiring. Recently, excitement was at a high when west coast celebrities - John Coe and Aquarius - were reported around Mull and Skye, with the pair of old bulls staying in the area for an extended period of time.

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Seen a fin? send it in! – Scottish charity urges public to report whale and dolphin sightings in Hebrides

The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) are calling on members of the public to get involved with efforts to protect Scottish whales and dolphins by reporting what they’ve spotted and carrying out surveys from both land and sea. The appeal comes as the conservation charity launches its new and improved Whale Track community sightings app and website.

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