Posts tagged who studies whales UK
St Andrews University students join us aboard to gain first-hand monitoring experience

Every year, we welcome aboard teams of students from St Andrew’s University Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) to discover how we collect data on board our research vessel, Silurian. Over the course of 10 days, three teams spent time travelling to different areas of the west coast, collecting vital visual and acoustic data on marine mammals.

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Students treated to dinky minke, bow riding commons and Hebridean sunshine

Every year, we welcome aboard teams of students from St Andrew’s University Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) to discover how we collect data on board our research vessel, Silurian. Over the course of 10 days, each team spent time travelling to different areas of the west coast, collecting vital visual and acoustic data on marine mammals.

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Data…what is it good for…absolutely everything!

In modern times, everyone appreciates the importance and application of data. The digital revolution over the past couple of decades has been driven by it. However, documenting and recording information about the natural world is a well known concept that has been happening for centuries, if not millennia. In this blog find out how HWDT utilise the data gathered by you - our fantastic citizen scientists

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Silurian welcomes aboard students from St Andrew's University

Every year, we welcome aboard teams of students from St Andrew’s University Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) to discover how we collect data on board our research vessel, Silurian. Over the course of 10 days, each team spent time travelling to different areas of the west coast, collecting vital visual and acoustic data on marine mammals. Each of the teams share their experiences here

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Wild weather and cetaceans marked the fourth expedition of 2022

We’re well underway with our monitoring Hebridean seas this year, with Silurian, our research vessel, completing her fourth expedition of the 2023 summer field season. Some challenging conditions didn't dampen the spirits of the fantastic citizen scientists who joined us on board…the encounters with whales, dolphins and porpoises helped too!

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John Coe and Aquarius do the Rounds

Catching sight of killer whales in the wild is an experience people will never forget; to see a massive black dorsal fin break the surface is truly awe inspiring. Recently, excitement was at a high when west coast celebrities - John Coe and Aquarius - were reported around Mull and Skye, with the pair of old bulls staying in the area for an extended period of time.

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'Seasonal Visitors' Encountered on the First Winter Expedition of the Season

Craig Mackie gives us an update on the first winter expedition of 2021, where a couple of ‘summer visitors’ were recorded. The winter survey programme, funded by Nature Scot, is helping us improve our year-round understanding of Hebridean marine environment

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