Posts tagged volunteer holiday
The conservation impact of joining a HWDT Research Expedition

Our expedition surveys on board our research vessel, Silurian, have been monitoring Scotland’s seas for over two decades. This long-term monitoring is critical, driving protections to restore marine biodiversity and championing healthy seas for nature and communities.

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Silurian circumnavigates Lewis during seventh expedition

Silurian - our research vessel - and her team of dedicated volunteers circumnavigated the Isle of Lewis during the seventh research expedition of the 2022 summer field season. Battling through some challenging conditions, the team were rewarded with some great encounters on the way back to Stornoway. Here Craig Mackie, Science Officer on board, recalls the expedition

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Remote parts of the Hebrides surveyed during fifth research expedition

Monitoring Hebridean seas is well underway, with Silurian - our research vessell - completing her fifth expedition of the 2022 Summer field season. Some great conditions allowed us to gather data from some of the more remote and exposed parts of our study area. Here, Craig Mackie, Science Officer on board, recalls details of the expedition

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John Coe and Aquarius surprise onlookers in Northern Ireland

John Coe and Aquarius were seen swimming into Strangford Lough, Co. Down in Northern Ireland on Friday. Every sighting of these individuals is crucial in advancing our understanding of the west coast community! If you’ve seen killer whales on the west coast, we’d love to hear about it.

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*PRESS RELEASE* Record numbers take part in citizen science to protect whales and dolphins off Scotland’s west coast

Record numbers of volunteers took part in research expeditions organised by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust last year, helping to launch a new year-round programme of monitoring marine mammals and basking sharks in the Hebrides.

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Time and tide wait for no one... Silurian surveys the Corryvreckan

Silurian and her crew soak up some iconic Scottish scenery winding their way through spectacular sea lochs in between the cloud-capped mountains, well known castles and sail through the Corryvreckan, enjoying some wonderful porpoise sightings and frolicking common dolphins along the way.

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