Posts in Science & Research
Killer Whale Mums Mean Business

On Mother’s Day, we’re taking a dive into the maternal instincts of whales, exploring how dedicated killer whale Mums are when it comes to raising young

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Have your say on Highly Protected Marine Areas

The Scottish Government are currently running a public consultation to seek your views on Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs). HWDT will be responding to the consultation and we hope that all stakeholders will take the opportunity to voice their views, so that the best possible outcome can be reached for whales, dolphins, porpoises and people.

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Dolphin Detective Work Identifies Individual

A lone bottlenose dolphin was reported off the coast of Appin, sparking investigation into who the individual may be. Thanks to the efforts of all involved, the dolphin was identified, deepening the understanding of this individual’s life story and shedding light on the movements of bottlenose dolphins around our coasts.

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Collaboration is key to reducing whale entanglements in Scotland

Research published last month shows the extent of whale entanglements in fishing gear around Scotland and has identified potential solutions to reduce entanglements in the future.

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Bumper year for John Coe and Aquarius

It’s been an exciting year for sightings across the west coast of Scotland. It’s been a particularly busy year for sightings of the West Coast Community members, John Coe and Aquarius. Between February and October 2022, the famous pair have been Photo ID’d across a total of 33 days, with their location ranging from the Hebrides, Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Photo credit: EmmaJane-HebridesCruises

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Autumn antics from some of our favourite species

Thanks to everyone still watching for whales and dolphins over autumn and winter and reporting what they’ve spotted - it’s fantastic to see the awesome encounters coming through Whale Track. From our favourite killer whale celebrities, John Coe and Aquarius, to the 100th humpback whale being added to the Scottish Humpback Whale ID Catalogue, it’s been an exciting couple of months for marine life in Scottish seas

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100th Humpback Recorded in Scottish Waters

Although rare, humpback whales are now being sighted with increasing regularity in Scottish waters - with the 100th whale documented this year. They are known to migrate through Scottish waters between their feeding and breeding grounds. Find out how citizen scientists are deepening the understanding of these awesome creatures

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HWDT welcomes new Fieldwork Research Manager

Meet Jenny - our new Fieldwork Research Manager, but she’s no stranger to Silurian or HWDT. Jenny has been part of the team for a while, most recently as our Exhibitions Officer in our Discovery Centre, while providing relief cover for the Science Officer on board Silurian.

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Uncovering Scotland's Whaling Past

Dr Conor Ryan - HWDT alumni now Science Committee member - has published an incredibly interesting paper on the historical occurrence of whales in Scottish waters. By utilising old whaling records, Conor and his colleagues begin to shed some light on the species which used to inhabit our waters and what we might expect to see if our seas recover from past exploitation.

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Europe’s largest military exercise returns to Scottish waters

Joint Warrior, Europe’s largest military exercise, will begin in Scottish waters today. Please be vigilant and contribute to our long-term monitoring efforts by reporting your excursions and sightings on Whale Track.

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Data…what is it good for…absolutely everything!

In modern times, everyone appreciates the importance and application of data. The digital revolution over the past couple of decades has been driven by it. However, documenting and recording information about the natural world is a well known concept that has been happening for centuries, if not millennia. In this blog find out how HWDT utilise the data gathered by you - our fantastic citizen scientists

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‘Mystery pod’ surfaces in Hebrides once more!

Citizen science plays a key role in deepening our understanding of whales, dolphins and porpoise. The ‘mystery’ killer whale pod is a great example of the impact citizen science can have. Discover the story of this mystery pod and how citizen scientists are helping to add more pieces to their puzzle.

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Exploring the new Whale Track app and website

Just in time for Spring, as spotting conditions improve and the wildlife begins to arrive in larger numbers around local shores, we have released a new and improved Whale Track app. Here we explore five new features of Whale Track.

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Seen a fin? send it in! – Scottish charity urges public to report whale and dolphin sightings in Hebrides

The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) are calling on members of the public to get involved with efforts to protect Scottish whales and dolphins by reporting what they’ve spotted and carrying out surveys from both land and sea. The appeal comes as the conservation charity launches its new and improved Whale Track community sightings app and website.

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Exciting Upgrades Boost Conservation

Adventure beckons as the summer field season on board our research vessel, Silurian, kicks off this weekend. But before we raise the anchor and set sail, we’d love to share some of the exciting developments we’ve made over the winter with support from the NatureScot Nature Restoration Fund.

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